An Alternative Way To Teach & Learn Basic Electricity

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, finding innovative methods to teach fundamental concepts is crucial for fostering engagement and understanding. Basic electricity, often considered a challenging subject, can be transformed into an exciting and accessible learning experience. By incorporating alternative approaches that appeal to various learning styles, educators can captivate students’ interest and demystify the complexities of electrical principles.

Understanding Basic Electricity Teaching Method

The conventional method of teaching basic electricity often involves relying on various memorization techniques, such as the PIE chart. While these methods may assist learners at specific stages, a more effective approach is to foster a comprehensive understanding of the concepts right from the beginning.

This presentation advocates for a superior method of teaching (and learning) electricity, emphasizing a more hands-on and practical approach than what is commonly found in textbooks and formal training programs.

While tools and tips become valuable in the later stages of a technician’s development, they can be counterproductive without a solid grasp of electrical parameters like current, voltage, resistance, and power.

Initiate a technician’s development by aiding them in establishing a robust, intuitive, and practical visualization of key electrical parameters. Let them absorb the relationships, such as Ohm’s Law, through direct hands-on experimentation and testing.

Initiate With Flow – Draw A Parallel To Fluid Flow

Distinguished technicians and engineers often conceptualize a circuit in terms of electrical flow, visualizing the current through the circuit based on a schematic. Thus, begin a technician’s development by ensuring a profound understanding of electrical current flow and build upon it.

To solidify this concept, it can be beneficial to draw parallels between a simple electrical circuit and an equivalent liquid pump loop. This analogy aids in forming an intuitive comprehension of the current flow.

Once a technician can visualize the current flow, understanding other Ohm’s Law concepts becomes more straightforward. As their skills progress, additional elements like bypass loops and extra resistances can be introduced.

Avoid delving into excessive details initially; focus on establishing a strong foundation in the most fundamental concepts. Mastery of these basics facilitates easier comprehension of advanced topics.

Introduce Electrical Parameters Practically

Too often, mentors or trainers commence with equations and memorization, neglecting to instill a true grasp of electrical parameters in individuals.

Before delving into equations and memorization, ensure that individuals can vividly differentiate between AMPS, VOLTS, OHMS, and POWER. Without this visual understanding, equations and cheat sheets are merely procedural tools for solving classroom problems.

Technicians need a practical understanding of electricity before applying it in the field. Therefore, the initial focus should be on ensuring technicians fully comprehend common electrical parameters before moving on to math or calculations.

Utilize simple and visually accessible equipment for learning basic electricity, with all wires and components visible. Multiple ammeters, voltmeters, and lamps can enhance the visualization of concepts.

Learn Through Exploration And Discovery

Encourage technicians to learn through experience and discovery. Have them construct a simple circuit and challenge them to identify each point in the schematic within the circuit.

Pose questions such as the consequences of closing a knife switch on other lamps or the impact on current. Allow time for experimentation and play, as genuine learning occurs in the exploration of ‘what if’ scenarios.

The key is to stimulate curiosity and let technicians test their hypotheses. Learning often thrives on incorrect guesses, fostering a natural learning process instead of relying on memorizing formulas and acronyms.


Leveraging the power of gamification can transform the classroom into an interactive and competitive arena. Educational games centered around electrical concepts can make learning enjoyable while challenging students to apply their knowledge in a fun and engaging way. Gamified learning experiences tap into the natural curiosity and competitive spirit of students, turning the acquisition of basic electricity skills into an exciting adventure.

Sequentially Introduce Topics And Reinforce

After establishing an understanding of current flow, guide technicians in observing how current behaves in series and parallel circuits. Use ammeters strategically to compare total current paths.

Proceed to analyze voltage drops and observe how they accumulate in series. Spend ample time reinforcing these fundamental concepts, as they are pivotal for technicians’ success.

Introduce series and parallel resistance gradually, focusing on qualitative analysis before delving into mathematical calculations. Develop an intuitive understanding of relationships without using numerical values initially.

Begin Detailed Testing Of Relationships

Once technicians have an intuitive grasp of current, voltage, and resistance, transition to constructing simple circuits using power resistors. Explore qualitative values of voltage, current, and resistance in various modification scenarios.

Encourage technicians to guess outcomes before experimenting, reinforcing the learning process. Introduce electrical power concepts after a solid understanding of voltage, current, and resistance is established, using practical demonstrations.

Conduct thorough testing and experimentation over an extended period to solidify concepts. This robust electrical foundation becomes the basis for advancing to realistic control circuits and troubleshooting techniques.

Ensure Information Retention Through Real-World Application

Even with a thorough understanding of basic electricity, knowledge can fade if not applied. To prevent this, immediately follow a basic electricity course with practical applications, such as electrical troubleshooting.

The goal is to ensure technicians not only grasp the concepts but also apply them in a realistic and useful manner. Observing technicians during troubleshooting helps mentors identify opportunities to apply basic electrical concepts effectively.

Apply Knowledge Promptly And Repeatedly

Upon learning the basics, technicians should promptly apply the knowledge in the field. Mentor guidance can facilitate this behavior, but technicians should proactively drive their application of learned concepts.

Supervisors play a crucial role by quizzing technicians on their training, asking where they’ve applied their knowledge, and addressing any skills gaps. Regular use of acquired knowledge increases the likelihood of becoming a highly skilled technician.

Collaborative Learning

Encourage collaborative learning through group projects and discussions. Peer-to-peer interaction allows students to share ideas, ask questions, and collectively solve problems. Collaborative learning not only enhances interpersonal skills but also provides different perspectives, enriching the overall learning experience.


In conclusion, adopting an alternative approach to teaching and learning basic electricity is not just a deviation from conventional methods; it is a strategic shift towards a more immersive, practical, and fundamentally sound educational experience. By prioritizing hands-on experimentation, intuitive understanding, and the gradual introduction of complex concepts, this methodology lays the groundwork for technicians to build a robust foundation in electrical engineering.
